MS Raghavendra is an Architect Planner with interests and expertise in the built environment, city planning, and infrastructure development.
He is keen on supporting cities in transformation of the 3Fs (Form – from ville spontanée (spontaneous city) to ville créée (designed city), Function (from traditional to new age local government functions), and Finance (through planning instruments and partnerships).
MS Raghavendra was a Gates Cambridge Scholar during his doctoral education between 2002-06 at the University of Cambridge. He has extensive experience in urban infrastructure development, governance reforms, and in teaching and consulting. His interests include Architecture and the Built Environment, Urban Futures Planning (long range land-use, mobility, and infrastructure planning), urban futures modelling, local government capacity development, and housing.
He has inter alia contributed on the India Infrastructure Technology Vision 2035 Committee chaired by Dr Anil Kakodkar for the Department of Science and Technology, GoI, and in leadership/visioning exercises for state and national governments. He is a member of the Oxford Roundtable, and has occasionally blogged in the Huffington Post, The Better India, and The Gates Cambridge Blog.